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Pre-Trade Pricing, Multi-Asset Class Support, Fixed Income

BondCliQ provides fingertip access to best-in-class, real time, corporate bond quotes and axes, alongside dealer performance rankings, from 40+ participating dealers. BondCliQ's unique dealer protocols significantly improve the quality and reliability of pre-trade data so that users can avoid "socializing" their orders. BondCliQ's applet, the Level 4 LinQ, enhances institutional liquidity by integrating a full CUSIP-level quote book (order book) window as part of users' workflow directly inside your platform. 




Key Benefits 

  • Gain access to 70,000+ quotes and 17,000+ CUSIPs each day 
  • Evaluate a daily average of 5,300 "3 stacks" (i.e., where 3+ dealers are quoting or axed in an individual CUSIP)  
  • Comprehensive coverage of US corporate bond market with expanding global footprint   
  • Consistently capture daily quote data from 93 of the top 100 CUSIPs traded by volume 
  • Leverage pre-trade data from 40+ contributing dealers  
  • Take advantage of protocols that do not allow for tiering or data fragmentation
  • Enjoy visibility and access to all dealer prices regardless of whether they are permissioned to trade with them

Key Features

  • Real-time parsed dealer quotes and axes at the CUSIP level centralized in order book fashion 
  • Numeric dealer rankings displayed based on multiple quote quality and quote consistency metrics  
  • Data partners displayed on Level 4 LinQs 
    • S&P Global (IHS Markit): Evaluated spread/price and 5yr/10yr CDX levels 
    • ETF Global: Ratio of how many of the top 25 credit ETFs (by AUM) currently hold a given bond  
    • MSCI: ESG ratings  
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